Tuesday 18 November 2008

So far....

After getting my BR up to $40 I had a little flitter around the 2nl cash tables but that's all irrelevant right now. I basically played CR@P! I was off sick last Monday from work, I got a little bored and found 31c in my Stars account so I thought what the hell, lets sign up for the 10c, 360 player turbo for a laugh, that laugh became quite a serious one after I ended up on the final table and ended up winning the bloody thing! Hooray my first MTT win, albeit a minor win for $8.5o but so what! With a BR of $40 that's like a 20% increase! This led to much better things though, with $8.50 locked away in my stars account I began playing 2nl FR on there, and here's the graph to show you how sick of an evening I had! I turned 31c to $18 in the space of 10 hours and my roll had shot up to $58!

Something clicked whilst playing on stars and smashing 2nl for an evening, so I went to bed and throughout the day I pondered what had happened, I actually began to pay attention an had disregarded the amount of money I was staking, i was more proud of the fact I'd played sound poker.

Another week passes, just playin' poker when I get in from work, I've reached the 3k mark in my journey. Here's how it looks

So far so good I'd say (apart from the early teething stages ;) )

My bank roll has reached that $75, now it's time to finish off and get up to $80 in another 7k hands! Feasible? I think so yes! Especially after i come 7Th in the $1,500 GP $2 re-buy on Blue Sq, netting myself $56.40! Hell yeah! I've smashed my initial target of $80 and I'm up to $130. Well what do I do now? I plug away at 2nl, increasing my bb/100, that's what I do!

Now we're up to date of where I am, it's time to look at the goals I've set myself. They'll be in the next post.

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